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Friday 6/7/2013 WOD

By: 2 Comments

Warm up

LAX ball scapula 2 mins on each side

Shoulder traction with bands

hip and ankle  mobility

coaches choice


barbell prep work

burgener warm up

snatch balance


Skill/ Sport

Hang Squat Snatches

take 4 warm up sets of 2 reps to build to 70% of your 1RM

2 Hang Squat Snatches on the minute for 7 mins

use 70% of 1 RM

if you do not know your 1 RM your coach will help you choose a weight during your warm up sets.



4 rounds for time

1 Squat Snatch into 3 Over Head Squats (80% of 1RM)

14 Ring Dips

400 meter Row


scaling options

if you have difficulty with the snatch or OH squat scale with the following

scale HSS with 8 Thrusters 95/65 lbs


If you cannot do Ring Dips scale with the following

scale Ring dips with Push ups on plates




Comments: 2

  1. Really liked the mobility portion of the warm up today. Definitely needed that after 30 clean and jerks the other day, and it felt like a good warm up before the snatches.

    wod: 60lb snatch/ohs – scaled ring dips with pushups — 12:37

    1. I’m glad it helped. By Friday usually lots of mobility is needed lol. Great job Noelle! The ring dips will come. Your strength is coming along, your almost there 😉

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