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Workout of the day – Friday August 19th

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Warm up

One time through:

25 glute bridges

50 mountain climbers

25 alternating plank shoulder taps

5 wall walks

25 jumping jacks

Deficit deadlift and Snatch grip pulls

A – Deficit deadlift – 4 in deficit

5 at 70%, 5 at 75%, 5 at 77.5%, 5 at 80%, 5 at 70%

B – Deficit snatch high pulls – 2 inches deficit

3×5 at 95% of your snatch 1RM

Note: on the last set of deadlift (70%), focus on speed of the barbell of the ground all the way to the hip.

Time cap: 20 min

Gymnastics conditioning

16 min AMRAP:

2 wall walks

4 strict pull ups

8 double DB thrusters 50/35 lbs

Scaling: hands passing line on wall walks (see Crossfit open standards), banded strict pull ups or ring rows


Part A

16 min alternating EMOM:

8 pause bent over dumbbell row – 2 sec pause touching the chest.

30 sec ring/box/parallette L-sit

15 plate V-ups

15 plate ground to overheads

** scale the L-sit with knee bent or 20 leg pikes over object

Part B

16 min AMRAP:

2 wall walks

4 strict pull ups

8 double DB thrusters 50/35 lbs

Scaling: hands passing line on wall walks (see Crossfit open standards), banded strict pull ups or ring rows