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Workout of the day – Friday October 21st

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Warm up

6 min AMRAP:

10 banded pullaparts

10 floor slides

10 alternating bird-dogs

2 wall walks


8 min of handstand push-up drills

Then, 10 min EMOM:

2-5 Strict Handstand Push-ups (scale up or down to focus on HSPUs strength (no kip)

Interval conditioning

5 rounds for time:

50 double unders

12 double DB shoulder to overheads 50/35 lbs

12 handstand push-ups

— Rest 1 min between rounds

Time cap: 18 min

Note: scale the volume of HSPUs/push-ups so you can do every rounds in 2 sets or less. This is 60 HSPUs, scale down to 40 (8/round) or 30 (6 per round) and focus on quality and intensity each interval.


Part A

15 min alternating EMOM:

8/side half kneeling single arm DB presses AHAP

30 alternating handstand shoulder taps (wall facing) or 30 alternating plank shoulder taps

Pike handstand around the box (~20 sec each way)

Part B

5 rounds for time:

50 double unders

12 double DB shoulder to overheads 50/35 lbs

12 handstand push-ups

— Rest 1 min between rounds

Time cap: 18 min

Note: scale the volume of HSPUs/push-ups so you can do every rounds in 2 sets or less. This is 60 HSPUs, scale down to 40 (8/round) or 30 (6 per round) and focus on quality and intensity each interval.