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Workout of the day – Tuesday June 8th

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Warm up
6 min AMRAP
10 Ring rows
10 jumping squats
10 shoulder taps
10 kettlebell push presses (light, 5 / arm)

Every 2 minutes for 5 rounds:
Option A: 1 max set of handstand pushups
Option B: 5 wall walks

Use option A only if you can do at least 15 UB handstand push-ups

Alternating EMOM 20min (5 rounds)
1) 16 American KBS, 24/16kg
2) 8 HSPUs
3) 16 Alternating dumbbell snatches 50/35 lbs
4) 8 squat thrusts + plank hold for the remainder of the minute


A) Alternating Tabata (20/10, 8 rounds of each movement) :
2-Flutter kicks

B) 15min AMRAP
10 lateral box step ups
20 single arm dumbbell Hang Power cleans
3 wall walks
40 double unders / 80 single unders