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Workout of the day – Wednesday June 5th 2024

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Warm up

3 rounds **:

6 front squats

6 shoulder-to-overhead

6 kipping swings / pullups / chest-to-bar pullups

** Use loads and weights that you want to use for the WOD today


Part A – 2 rounds of 6 min AMRAP with buy-in:

Buy-in: 500m run (1 lap around the block)

Then, in the remaining time, AMRAP [Barbell: 115/80 lbs, DBs: 2×50/35 lbs]:

12 deadlifts

9 hang power cleans

6 air squats

— rest 2 min between rounds

–REST 2 min between part A and B

Part B – 2 rounds of 6 min AMRAP with buy-in:

Buy-in: 750m/600m row

Then, in the remaining time, AMRAP:

6 burpee box jumps 24/20 in

6 bar muscle ups [scaled: burpee pullups/ring rows]

— rest 2 min between round

Power lifting

Warm Up

2 rounds

:20 Chin Over Bar Hold

10 Banded Face Pulls

10 Banded Straight Arm Lat Pull Downs

5 Down Dog/Seal Pose

10 Scap Pull-Ups to Hollow 2sec Hold

Level Descriptions

Level 1: 0 Strict Pull-Ups

Level 2: 1-2 Strict Pull-Ups

Level 3: 3+ Strict Pull-Ups

Pull-Up Strength

Every 90 seconds for 6 Rounds

Level 1: Assisted Pull-Ups

5 Toe Assisted Pull-Ups

*Start each rep with shins on ground and hands on pull-up. Use to toes to assist to pull chin over bar.

Level 2: Negative Pull-Ups

5 Banded Negative Pull-Ups

*Each rep start by jumping to get chin above bar and control down till arms all locked out.

Level 3: Strict & Negative Pull-Ups

2 Strict Pull Ups + 3 Negative Pull-Ups (Banded if needed)

*Goal is to get to 5 reps with combo of both with at LEAST 1 Strict

Level 4: Weighted Strict Pull-Ups

3-5 Weighted Strict Pull-Ups

*Weight stays @ 5/10 RPE for all 5 Sets

*5/10 RPE = can do 5 more reps at that weight


For Time:

50 Banded STRICT Pull-Ups

*Every time you break, perform 10 Medball V-Ups

Choose a band that allows you to complete 5-10 pull-ups at a time.

Time Cap: 10 Minutes

Accessory Work

3 Rounds

:30sec Double DB Overhead Hollow Hold

20 Double DB Bent Over Rows

10 Single Dumbbell pullovers

Time Cap: 15 Minutes