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Workout of the day – Thursday June 13th 2024

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Warm up

30 sec dead hang — then —
20 Burpees
— then —
2 rounds of:
20 A-frame toe touches
10 PVC Sotts presses

Shoulder press

5 at 75%, 4 at 82.5%, 4 at 85%, 3 at 90%, 2 at 95%
Note: If you failed your 2 reps at 92.5% last week, attempt again this week prior to attempting 95%

Split jerk

From the ground, Every 90 sec for 8 rounds (12 min), 2 split jerks, starting at 80% and increasing if possible


3 min AMRAP ladder:
Single arm DB overhead lunge steps 50/35 lbs
Single arm DB push presses 50/35 lbs
— rest 90 sec
3 min AMRAP ladder:
Alternating DB hang snatches 50/35 lbs
— rest 90 sec
3 min AMRAP ladder:
Alternating single DB devil presses 50/35 lbs
Single arm DB overhead squats 50/35 lbs

Note: switch arm anytime on any movement


Part A
16 min alternating EMOM for load and quality:
5 per side contralateral single DB split jerk (hold Db in arm opposite the leg moving forward)
10 double DB Z-presses
5 tempo dragonflies (4-5 sec eccentric)
10 seated DB front raises

Part B
3 min AMRAP ladder:
Single arm DB overhead lunge steps 50/35 lbs
Single arm DB push presses 50/35 lbs
— rest 90 sec
3 min AMRAP ladder:
Alternating DB hang snatches 50/35 lbs
— rest 90 sec
3 min AMRAP ladder:
Alternating single DB devil presses 50/35 lbs
Single arm DB overhead squats 50/35 lbs

Note: switch arm anytime on any movement