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Workout of the day – Friday June 14th 2024

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Warm up

2 min cardio of choice
3 rounds:
5/side fire hydrants
5 bootstrap squats
5 empty BB good mornings

Back squat

5 at 75%, 4 at 82.5%, 4 at 85%, 3 at 90%, 2 at 95%
Note: If you failed your 2 reps at 92.5% last week, attempt again this week prior to attempting 95%


For time:
12-9-6 reps of
Deadlifts 135/95 lbs
Hang power cleans 135/95 lbs
Push jerks 135/95 lbs
then, rest 2 min.
Then: 6-9-12 reps of:
Power cleans 135/95 lbs
Air Squats

Time cap: 15 min


Part A
18 min to perform the following:
4 sets of 16 alternating double DB front rack box step ups (5/leg) AHAP
4 sets of 8 weighted hanging knee raises (strict)
4 sets of 1 min wall sit
4 sets of 16 alternating jumping lunges

Note: either rotate through the stations or perform all 4 sets of one movement before moving to the next

Part B
6 min AMRAP ladder: 3-6-9-12-… reps of:
Double DB burpee deadlifts 50/35 lbs
Double DBs hang power cleans 50/35 lbs
Double DBs shoulder to overheads 50/35 lbs
— then, rest 2 min, and:
8 min AMRAP:
10 pullups
10 pushups
10/8 cal row