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Workout of the day – Thursday June 20th 2024

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Warm up

2 rounds:

10 scap pushups

10 banded face pulls

5/arm single dumbbell Z-presses

10 alternating single dumbbell overhead lunges

Shoulder press

5 at 40%, 5 at 50%, 5 at 60%

Split jerk

8min EMOM: 1 clean and split jerk at 60%


16 alternating EMOM:

16 alternating DB hang clean and jerks 50/35 lbs

12/9 cal Ski

100 ft. per side single KB overhead carry

3 wall walks


Part A

12 alternating EMOM:

16 alternating DB hang clean and jerks 50/35 lbs

100 ft. per side single KB overhead carry

3 wall walks

Part B

Every 90 sec for 5 rounds at each station, rotating through:

Ski erg


Shuttle runs 25 ft.x2