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Workout of the day – Tuesday June 25th 2024

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Warm up

Every 30 seconds for 3 rounds, rotating through (3 rounds of each):

No pushup burpees

Jumping jacks

Alternating lunges

The goal is to get the body temperature up before you start moving some heavy load.

Deadlifts & Bench press

In 20 min,establish a 3 rep max of deadlift and and a 3 rep max of bench press

Suggested warm-up:

5 reps at 40%

5 reps at 50%

3 reps at 60%

2 reps at 70%

1 rep at 80%

1 rep at 90%

Then first attempt of a heavy 3

Compare to the week of May 13th


10 min AMRAP:

200m run

10 barbell front rack lunges 95/65 lbs

10 hang power cleans 95/65 lbs


Part A

16 min alternating EMOM:

10 single leg RDL (right side)

30 bicycle crunches

10 single leg RDL (left side)

10 alternating DB renegade rows 50/35 lbs

Part B

7 min AMRAP:

200m run

16 alternating double DB front rack lunge steps 50/35 lbs

— rest 3min, then 7 min AMRAP:

200m run

16 double DB hang power cleans 50/35 lbs