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Workout of the day – Thursday July 11th 2024

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Warm up

2 rounds:

10 dumbbell goblet squats

10 cal machine of choice (row or ski)

10 single arm DB push presses (5/arm)

10 cal machine of choice (row or ski)

10 double DB front rack box step ups

Front Squat

5×5 at 75%

Push Presses

3×5 at 60% of your 1RM clean and jerk

Barbell is take from the ground


3 rounds for time:

400 Meter Run

10 push presses 125/85 lbs

Time cap: 13 min


Part A

Alternating Tabata (20 sec on / 10 sec off, 8 times on each movement), rotating through movement each interval for a total (12 min total):


Flutter kicks


Part B

For time:

Buy-in: 800m run

— then, 2 rounds of:

50 alternating DB snatches 50/35 lbs

50 wall balls

— then, buy-out: 800m/640m row

Goal: <19 min

Time cap: 22 min

Note: We are looking for 4 sets max each movement each round. Adjust the load and/r volume accordingly. The run should take no longer than 4 min