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Workout of the day – Sunday July 21st 2024

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Warm up

3-4 rounds (6 min cap):

5 pushups

10 OHS w/ Empty Bar

5 per side single DB floor presses

Bench  Press

5×5 at 77.5%

Overhead squat

3×5 at 90% of 1RM snatch


 For time :

3 rounds of:

10 handstand pushups

10 deadlifts 115/75 lbs

5 overhead squats 115/75 lbs

— Rest 90s

Then 2 rounds of:

10 handstand pushups

10 deadlifts 115/75 lbs

5 overhead squats 115/75 lbs

Time cap: 14 min


Part A

16 min alternating EMOM:

10 DB bench presses

15 plate ground to overheads

50 ft. per arm single KB overhead carry

20 alternating single leg V-ups

Part B

Row 500/400m

40 alternating DB snatches

30 pushups

20 situps

30 pushups

40 alternating DB snatches

Row 500/400m

Time cap: 14 min