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Workout of the day – Wednesday July 24th 2024

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Warm up

2 rounds:

10 glute bridges

10 hollow rocks

10 alternating plank extensions

10 alternating lunges

10 ring rows

Pulling strength (10 min)

Option A: Weighted pullups – 5×3

Option B: Eccentric pullups – 5×3 with 3 sec descent (may jump up from box to bring chin over the pullup bar)


25 min AMRAP:

9 chest to bar pullups

15 wall balls 20/14 lbs

21 double DB deadlifts 50/35 lbs

400m med-ball run 20/14 lbs

Goal: 4.5 rounds – aim to keep all movements unbroken.

Olympic Lifting

Warm Up Activation
1 Round
3/leg Worlds Greatest Stretch
5 Bootstrappers
5 PVC Passthroughs
5 PVC Goodmornings
Movement Specific Prep
3 Reps at Each:
Tall Position
Tall Snatch High Pulls
Tall Muscle Snatch
Tall Snatch 2″ Drop, 6″ Drop, 9″ Drop
High Hang
Snatch High Pulls
ScareCrow Snatch
Power Snatch 2″ Drop, 6″ Drop, 9″ Drop
Hang Above Knee
Snatch High Pulls
Power Snatch 2″ Drop, 6″ Drop, 9″ Drop
Slow Pull to Pockets into High Pull
Power Snatch 2″ Drop, 6″ Drop, 9″ Drop
1 Snatch Lift off to 1″
1 Floating Snatch High-Pull
1 Floating Squat Snatch
Snatch Lift Off + Floating Snatch Pull + Floating Snatch
8 Minutes for 3 Sets @ 50%-60% of 1RM Snatch
1 Snatch Lift off to 1″
1 Floating Snatch High-Pull
1 Floating Squat Snatch
Skill Accessories
10 Minutes for Snatch Complex
5 Sets of:
1 Power Snatch
1 Hang Squat Snatch
1 Squat Snatch
Start at 60% and build
*Drop & Reset between each rep
Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squats + Snatch Balance
Every 90secs for 5 Rounds
3 Snatch Push Press + 2 Overhead Squats + 1 Snatch Balance @ 70%
3 Snatch Push Press + 2 Overhead Squats + 1 Snatch Balance @ 75%
3 Snatch Push Press + 2 Overhead Squats + 1 Snatch Balance @ 80%
3 Snatch Push Press + 2 Overhead Squats + 1 Snatch Balance @ 85%
3 Snatch Push Press + 2 Overhead Squats + 1 Snatch Balance @ 85+%
4 Rounds: 3min AMRAP
100 feet Sandbag Shoulder Lunges
Max Sandbag Over Yoke
-1min Rest-