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Workout of the day – Monday September 23rd

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Warm up

6min AMRAP
10 PVC pass throughs
10 PVC sotts presses
2 inch worms
10 alternating plank extensions

Olympic lifting

Part A – Hang muscle snatches
3×4, build up throughout while maintaining good mechanics.
Part B – Hang squat snatches waves
5 reps at 65%, 4 reps at 70%, 3 reps at 75%
— then:
5 reps at 70%, 4 reps ay 75%, 3 reps at 80%
Note: Starting position for all reps is above the knee. Today’s focus should be on getting full hip and leg extension before you start engaging shoulders and arms.


3 min AMReps:
20 box jumps 24/20 in
15 handstand pushups
Max reps in remaining time of double unders
— Rest 90 sec
3 min AMReps:
15 handstand pushups
60 double unders
Max reps in remaining time of box jumps 24/20 in
— Rest 90 sec
3 min AMReps:
60 double unders
20 box jumps 24/20 in
Max reps in remaining time of handstand pushups

Scaling: adjust the handstand pushups to pike pushups, or handstand pushups with 1 or 2 abmats (but no more!).
Note to coaches: stagger the start by 90 sec to allow 2 athletes to share a box, as there should be no overlap with the prescribed order of movements.


Part A
18 min to perform 4-5 rounds for load and quality:
10/arm single dumbbell bent over row
50 ft. per arm single DB overhead walking lunges
20 dumbbell renegade row (10/arm)
10 unbroken double DB snatches

Part B
3 min AMReps:
20 box jumps 24/20 in
15 handstand pushups
Max reps in remaining time of double unders
— Rest 90 sec
3 min AMReps:
15 handstand pushups
60 double unders
Max reps in remaining time of box jumps 24/20 in
— Rest 90 sec
3 min AMReps:
60 double unders
20 box jumps 24/20 in
Max reps in remaining time of handstand pushups

Scaling: adjust the handstand pushups to pike pushups, or handstand pushups with 1 or 2 abmats (but no more!).