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Workout of the day – Friday January 31st

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Warm up

3 rounds:
30 sec row sprint
3 power cleans
3 push jerks

Increase weight every round

Olympic lifting – Clean & Jerk

Warm-up to a squat clean and jerk at 80%, then perform 3 drop sets of:
1 squat clean and jerk at 80%
2 squat clean and jerks at 75%
3 squat clean and jerks at 70%
— rest 90 sec to 2 min between drop sets

Note: one drop set includes 6 reps: 1 at 80%, 2 at 75%. 3 at 70%. You may partner up with one or two athlete and share your bars. If a pair, your partner may change the weight the load to minimize time wasted in the middle of a drop set. Alternate work/rest between athletes as the drop set should take less than 2 min.
Reps do not need to be touch and go.

Open WOD

Open 22.1
15 min AMRAP
3 wall walks
12 alternating dumbbell snatches 50/35 lbs
15 box jumps over 24/20 in

Goal: 7+ rounds


Part A
15 min alternating EMOM:
100 ft. broad jumps
6 double DB power cleans + 6 double DB push jerks 50/35 lbs
45 sec handstand hold / plank hold

Note: the second station is 6 DB cleans, followed by 6 DB jerks
Accumulate 30 sec hold in the minute for the handstand/plank

Part B

Open 22.1
15 min AMRAP
3 wall walks
12 alternating dumbbell snatches 50/35 lbs
15 box jumps over 24/20 in

Goal: 7+ rounds