Workout of the day – Tuesday March 4th
Warm up
2 rounds:
20 A-Frame toe-touches
10 alternating box steps ups
10 alternating single DB clean and jerks
Back Squat
4×4, increasing
Partner conditioning
In teams of 2, for time, performing the runs together but splitting the lifting movements as desired:
800m run
80 hang power cleans 115/75 lbs
400m run
40 front squats 135/75 lbs
200m run
20 shoulder to overheads 155/105 lbs
Time cap: 18 min
Part A
18 min to perform 4-5 rounds of:
100 ft. broad jumps
10 KB goblet squats
1 min wall sit
10 KB goblet hold good mornings
Part B
In teams of 2, for time, performing the runs together but splitting the lifting movements as desired:
800m run
80 double DB hang power cleans 50/35 lbs
400m run
40 double DB front squats 50/35 lbs
200m run
20 double DB shoulder to overheads 50/35 lbs
Time cap: 18 min
2025 03 03