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Workout of the day – Tuesday March 11th

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Warm up

2 rounds:
5 KB windmills per side
10 single arm KBS per side
10 single KB front squats

Front Squat

4×4, build up to a heavy set for the day


3 rounds, rotating through with 45 sec work / 15 sec rest-transition:
Max assault bike cal
Plank hold with forearms on foam roller
Max cal ski erg
Max kipping handstand pushups / pushups
Max distance double KB farmer’s carry
Max single DB squat snatches 50/35 lbs

Scaling: adjust the snatches to a power snatch followed with one overhead rear lunge step if you cannot perform a DB OHS. Adjust HSPUs to regular pushups.


Part A

4 rounds for load:
8/leg single leg KB RDL
12 double KB front rack squats
16 unbroken wall balls

Time cap: 16 min

Part B

3 rounds, rotating through with 45 sec work / 15 sec rest-transition:
Max assault bike cal
Plank hold with forearms on foam roller
Max cal ski erg
Max kipping handstand pushups / pushups
Max distance double KB farmer’s carry
Max single DB squat snatches 50/35 lbs

Scaling: adjust the snatches to a power snatch followed with one overhead rear lunge step if you cannot perform a DB OHS. Adjust HSPUs to regular pushups.