Workout of the day – Monday March 17th
Warm up
3 rounds:
10 alternating lunges with twists
12 alternating plank extensions
14 alternating DB hang snatches
A – Bulgarian split squats
5×8 per leg
— rest 30 sec between legs, and as needed between sets
B – half kneeling single arm DB press (contralateral)
3×8 per side
“Snatch DT”
5 rounds for time:
12 deadlifts 95/65 lbs
9 hang power snatches 95/65 lbs
6 overhead squats 95/65 lbs
Time cap: 14 min
Part A
4 rounds (18 min):
10/leg double DB Bulgarian split squats (Farmer’s style)
20 alternating DB plank pull throughs
8/side half kneeling single arm DB press (contralateral)
Part B
For time:
5 rounds for time:
12 single arm DB thrusters (6/arm) 50/35 lbs
9 box jumps 24/20 in
6 single DB devil presses 50/35 lbs
Time cap: 18 min
2025 03 16