2022 Cycle #2
Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback on programming. This is extremely helpful for our team to understand what is working and what needs some tweaking. If you are curious what the responses were about, scroll down to see the chart. There is one piece of good news and one of bad nes. The bad news: we should get our fourth assault bike up and running soon… The good news: our members seem to have been enjoying the programming, with, of course some room for improvement.
With the Crossfit 2022 open behind us, we are starting a new 5-week cycle with a little more emphasis on posterior chain (aka legs) and building towards heavier loads. This means that for the crossfit track, we will bring back some squatting and olympic lifting movements, and for the EVF360 track, you will progressively see more movements with loads.
We want you to get started to get in shape for summer. Here is how the weeks will be structured:
- Monday: for both Crossfit and EVF360, the focus will be on core and abs, bodybuilding and bench press. The conditioning will be more on the short to medium duration, with a focus on general physical preparedness (if that does not speak to you, think “randomness”- and if it still does not, just come to class 🙂 ).
- Tuesday: For crossfit, it will be dedicated to our gymnastics skill day, where we will cover the main movements and equip you with (even) more drills to work towards your first ____ (fill the blank with chest-to-bar, handstand pushup, muscle up, pistol, handstand walking….). The conditioning will include both barbell cycling and the gymnastics component of the day. For the EVF360 track, there will also be gymnastics, as well as monostructural (cardio) movements.
- Wednesday: we are introducing “Feel good Wednesday” – it will be the same workout for EVF360 and crossfit. This will be an endurance day, with a longer conditioning piece to start (25-40min) and minimal setup/warm-up, ending the class with 10-15min of mobility/cool-down/stretching. A good day to try our EVF360 or our Crossfit classes, whichever you don’t usually attend, and make new friends.
- Thursday: For crossfit, there will be alternating EMOM between front squat and clean & jerk, progressively adding load. Expect to end with shaky legs. The conditioning will be mostly interval based. For EVF360, we will focus on squatting patterns, like wall balls, goblet squats, lunges, and will mix it up with some other calisthenics.
- Friday: Gymnastics practice day. This is the day you can expect to practice several gymnastics movements in the context of a wod or EMOM, and capitalize on what you may have learned on Tuesday. The conditioning will be mostly short sprints, where we expect all of you to turn up the intensity to the max (remember ‘Fran’?).
- Saturday: partner workouts, where we will try to mix some heavier loads to be moved under fatigue.
- Sunday: For crossfit, this will be our “other” squat day (back, split, Cossack,…), and the conditioning will involve some overhead movements. EVF360 will be focused on recruiting similar muscle groups, and a portion allocated to strength accessory work.
We look forward to seeing you all continue making great progress towards your health and fitness goals with us.
The EVF team

2022 03 22