Friday 8/16/2013 WOD
Warm up
1 set with a with a PVC Pipe
1 set with an empty barbell
SNATCH Warm up
5 dip shrug
5 high pull
5 muscle snatch
5 power snatch balance
5 over head squats
5 duck walks
5 sots press
5 tall snatches
Dynamic stretches
A.Snatch Balance tutorial and warm up
Build up to 70% of 1 RM of SNATCH
B. SNATCH Balance
3 EMOM For 7 mins
Training (Met-con)
Hero WOD
75 Snatches for time (75/55lbs)
Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member was killed February 6 in the line of duty. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Officer Simmons’ wife and two children.
2013 08 15