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Workout of the day – Monday June 24th 2024

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Warm up

2 min cardio machine of choice or 400m run, then 2 rounds:

5/side thoracic extensions

10 plate Da-Vinci raises

5 behind the neck push presses

5 muscle snatches

Snatch complex

In 12 min, find a heavy complex of:

1 deadlift + 1 hang snatch + 1 overhead squat + 1 snatch

Compare to 5/13


Every 2 min, rotating through the 4 stations for 3 rounds:

25/20 cal row

15 burpees box jumps over 24/20 in

25/20 cal ski erg

10 devil presses 50/35 lbs


Part A

15 min to perform 4-5 rounds of:

8 per leg single leg rower pike ups

100 ft. double DB overhead carry

20 alternating DB plank pull through

Part B

Every 2 min, rotating through the 4 stations for 3 rounds:

25/20 cal row

15 burpees box jumps over 24/20 in

25/20 cal ski erg

10 devil presses 50/35 lbs