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Workout of the day – Saturday June 29th 2024

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PrideWOD Community WOD


30 min partner AMRAP:

6 squat cleans 135 lbs (Marsha) / 95 lbs (Sylvia)

28 double-unders

6 shoulder-to-overheads 135 lbs (Marsha) / 95 lbs (Sylvia)

9 Burpees

Olympic lifting

Part A

15 min to work to establish a snatch 1 rep max.

Part B

Overhead squat

10 min to find a heavy set of 3

Part C

5 rounds for time:

5 snatches 135/95 lbs

5 overhead squats 135/95 lbs

5 chest to bar pullups

25 double unders

Time cap: 12 min