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Workout of the day – Friday December 13th

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Warm up

3 rounds
5/arm single KB floor presses
5/arm KB Turkish situps
5/arm single arm KBS

Shoulder press (12 min)

The below % load are based on 90% of your most recent shoulder press 1RM as a reference
3 reps at 70% 1RM
3 reps at 80% 1RM
MAX effort reps at 90% 1RM (should exceed 4 reps).
Rest as needed between sets.

Split jerks (12 min)

3×6 at 65-70% of C&J 1RM


Open 13.4:
7 min AMRAP ladder**:
3-6-9-12-… reps of:
Clean and jerks 135/95 lbs
Toes to bars

** Continue increasing the reps by 3 every round


Part A
3 rounds for quality and load
8 double DB Z-presses
12 alternating single arm DB bench press (holding the other DB in the lock-out position
16 DB goblet hold good mornings
20 alternating single leg V-ups
250m/200m ski sprints

Time cap: 20 min

Part B
For time:
50 Row Calories
40 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press
30 Toes-to-bars
20 Burpees

Time cap: 10 min