Workout of the day – Wednesday December 18th
Warm up
3 rounds:
4 inchworms with pushups
6 alternating box step ups
8 single arm KBS per side
Every 10 min, for 4 rounds, each for time:
500m/400m ski/row
30 KB snatches 24/16 kg
20 box jumps over 24/20 in
3 sandbag over shoulders AHAP
20 toes to bars
Notes: KB snatches should take about 2 min each round and be completed in about 2 sets on each arm. Adjust the toes to bar volume to complete each round in 3-4 sets, and/or scale to hanging knee raises. Sandbags should be heavy but quick (<40 sec).
Olympic lifting
Warm Up Activation
1 Round
3 Seal Pose to Down Dog
3/leg Worlds Greatest Stretch
5 Bootstrappers
5 Empty Bar Good Mornings
10 Elbow Rotations
5 Romanian Deadlfts
Movement Specific Prep
Clean Movement Prep
From the Tall Position
3 Tall Clean High Pulls
3 Tall Muscle Clean
3 Tall Power Clean
From the High Hang Position
3 Power Position Clean High Pull
3 Power Position Hang Power Clean
From the Hang Above Knee Position
3 Hang Clean High Pulls
3 Hang Power Cleans
From the Mid-Shin Position
3 Pause at Knee Clean High Pull
3 Pause at Knee Power Clean
3 Power Cleans
Clean Complex Primer
3 Sets (6mins)
3 Floating Clean High Pull Jumps
1 Floating Power Clean
at 50% and work up to 60% of 1 RM Clean
Block Cleans
5 Sets (10 mins)
3 Block Power Clean (Bar above Knee)
at 60% and work up to 70%
Block Cleans
5 Sets (10 mins)
3 Block Power Clean (Bar below Knee)
at 70% and work up to 80%
4min AMRAP
Max Distance Sand Bag Bear Hug Carry (125/75)
Every Drop 15/12 Cal Ski
-2 Min Rest-
4min AMRAP
Double DB Bench Press (50/35)
2024 12 17