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Workout of the day – Friday December 27th

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Warm up

6 min AMRAP:
10 A-frame toe touches
5 yoga pushups
10 alternating single DB clean and jerks

Shoulder press- Wendler week 4

The below % load are based on 90% of your most recent shoulder press 1RM as a reference
5 reps at 40% 1RM
5 reps at 50% 1RM
5 reps at 60% 1RM
Rest as needed between sets.

Split jerks

3×2 at 75-80% of C&J 1RM
Same load as last week, focus on execution under moderate to heavy load.


For time:
Sumo deadlifts high pulls 75/55 lbs
Shoulder-to-overheads 75/55 lbs

Time cap: 14 min
Goal: <10 min. Perform each movement in 2 sets or less each round.


Part A
16 min alternating EMOM (4 rounds):
10 alternating DB renegade rows 50/35 lbs
2 wall walks
10 cal ski
20 KB Russian twists

Part B
4 rounds for time:
500m/400m row
20 double DB shoulder to overheads 35/25 lbs
20 American KBS 24/16 kg

Time cap: 18 min