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Workout of the day – Saturday February 1st

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Community WOD (EVF360 & Crossfit)

Teams of 2, partners split rowing as desired, then alternate each complex, one partner working at a time.
For time:
2,000m/1,600m row buy-in, then, 16 rounds of:
5 pullups + 3 power cleans
10 pushups + 3 front squats
15 air squats + 3 jerks
Barbell: 135/95 lbs, DBs: 2×50/35 lbs
Workout flow: Partners split the row as desired, then complete the 30 rounds as follows: P1 does 5 pullups+3 PCs, P2 does 10 pushups + 3 front squats, P1 does 15 air squats + 3 jerks, P2 does 5 pullups + 3 PCs…
Time cap: 34 min

Olympic lifting

Part A
Every 2 min for 6 rounds:
1 power clean & split jerk + 1 power clean & split jerk at parallel + 1 squat clean & split jerk
Part B
Deficit clean deadlifts – 2″ deficit
3×3 at 120% of 1RM clean
Note: Set yourself up as for a clean starting position, not a traditional deadlift. Use straps if needed.
Part C
Split jerks
3×3 at 84% across
Part D
3 rounds for max reps, 1 min per station, performed “Fight gone bad” style:
Shoulder to overheads 115/80 lbs
Alternating single DB power cleans 50/35 lbs
Calories on skier