Attention. Attencion. Warning. Advertencia. Please Read!
Do Not Pass Go. Do Not Collect $200. And most importantly, Do Not Dry Your New Shirts.
In all seriousness, folks, we’re putting this post up because we recently discovered that there may be a bit of a problem with our most recent shirt order. The Beard (Ian) took his shirt home and put it in the dryer only to find that the red bled out quite a bit. We have already begun discussions with the supplier on the topic, but in the meantime we want to urge you to take care when washing/drying your shirts.
We haven’t confirmed if this is a one-off occurrence or if it is a problem with all of the shirts in the order, but we highly recommend avoiding heat in the washing/drying process. Either hand wash them or wash them on cold, and hang dry them if possible. Aside from that recommendation, please let us know if you have any issues or experiences similar to Ian’s when you wash the shirts. We would like to have all cases compiled should we need to elevate the issue further with the supplier.
Many thanks in advance for your understanding and cooperation, and we sincerely hope that you don’t have any problems with this, but again, please let us know if you do.
2012 11 11
Zach. You Crack Me Up! – Debra
You’re very welcome, Deb. I do what I can.