2013 07 21
Warm up With a PVC pipe 2 sets of 10 pass thru's 10 Over head squats 2sets of the following 10 super mans 10 groiners 10 hollow rocks 10 push ups 10 strict pull ups/ ring rows Strength Strict press 3-3-3-3-3 60%-70%-80%-85%-90% of your 1RM Training 30…
Sunday 7/21/2013 MAIN-SITE WOD
Warm up 400 meter run With a PVC pipe 2 sets of 10 Pass through's 10 Over Head Squats 2 sets of the following 10 super mans 10 lunges 10 hollow rocks 10 push ups 10 ring rows dynamic stretches Workout prep Thrusters Take 4 sets to work…
2013 07 20
Saturday 7/20/2013 WOD “THE A-Team”
Warm up Musical Balls Dynamic Stretches HSPU Practice T2B practice Training "The A-Team" Partner WOD Teams of two 5 min TEAM AMRAP Ski 1 partner works at a time switch every 100 meters 2 min rest 5 Min TEAM AMRAP (Lv 2) HSPU (lv 1) pike…
2013 07 19
Warm up with a PVC pipe 2 sets of 10 Pass thru's 10 Over head squats 1 set of 15 groiners 15 super mans 15 hollow rocks Dynamic Stretches double under practice Skill/Strength level 2 Clean and Jerks 3-3-3-3-3 build up to a challenging set of 3 NO FAILED…
2013 07 18
Warm up With a PVC Pipe 2 sets of 10 pass throughs 10 Over head squats 1 set of 10 groiners 10 super mans 20 Lunges (total) 10 hollow body rocks SKILL/ STRENGTH Level 2 (advance) Skill transfer Stabilization work EMOM for 6 Mins Odd minute hold in…
2013 07 17
Warm up 400 meter row or ski Dynamic stretches Kip practice Strength Dead- lifts Level 2 3-3-2-2-2 60%-70%-80%-85%-90% of your 1RM Level 1 Romanian Dead lifts 3-3-3-3-3 Build up to a challenging set of 3 Training "Pulling FRAN" Level 2 (Advance) 21-15-9 Pull-ups Dead-lifts (225/155lbs) Scale Pull…
2013 07 16
Warm-up 400 Meter Run Traction with bands Dynamic stretches for hip and ankle mobility w PVC Pipe Burgerner warm up Snatch balance Skill/Strength Snatches Level 2 3-3-2-2-2 Take 15 Mins to Build up to 80% of your 1RM Level 1 Hang Snatches 3-3-3-2-2 Work on technique and efficiency…
2013 07 15
Warm up foam roll Dynamic stretches 1 set of 20 wall balls 20 ab mat sit up 5 cals on Rower Strength/Skill Front Squats level 2 (advance) tempo 12x1 hold for two seconds in the hole 3-3-3-3-3 60%-70%-75-80%-85% of your 1Rm level 1 (beginner) 3-3-3-3-3 build up to…
2013 07 14
Warm up 3 mins Single jump rope 5 mins double under practice Dynamic stretches Strength/skill Floor press Level 2 (advance) 3-3-3-3-3 Level 1 (beginner) 5-5-5-5-5 From Crossfit.com archives July 6th 2012 TUESDAY 120814 Level 2 ( advance) 50-35-20 reps of: Wall balls Pull-ups Double-unders Level…
2013 07 13
Warm up "Takes 2 to have Fun with balls " Partner med ball toss 10x each Partner Squat and toss w med ball 10x each Partner Hold in Squat position Med ball toss 10x partner med ball hip toss 10x each partner sit med ball toss 10x partner Russian twist…
2013 07 12