Camille visits EVF Performance
Check out this great article from Ed Tseng about his visit to EVF Performance to see Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet. Here are a few quick snippets of info from the article:
Train hard AND train smart
Many people train hard and get injured, or don’t work on their weaknesses. Others train smart, but don’t put in the hard work, and also do not get the results they want. The key, Leblanc-Bazinet says is to train hard AND train smart.
Believe in yourself despite what is going on around you
I always say, it’s not what’s happening around you. It’s not what’s happening to you. What truly matters is what’s happening inside you. True champions like Leblanc-Bazinet know that their feelings do not come from a situation or circumstance, but from their own thinking. When we let our thoughts just come and go, we automatically have the confidence we need and believe in ourselves.
Champions don’t make excuses, they just do what they need to do
Your focus is your future. In other words, what you focus on, or think about is what your experience is going to be. So if you are focused on making excuses, you are using energy on something other than getting to the next level. Most people act how they feel. The great ones just do what they need to do, when they need to do it, whether they feel like it or not.

2014 11 04