Columbus Circle Coach Spotlight: Quinton
Where are you from?
Temple Hills, MD
How did you get involved with EVF?
In 2018, I would commute to the city every weekend to see my wife who was in school at the time. She would always rave about EVF so I figure I’d check them out. I met Coach Ryan first, and found out that we’re from the same area.
Do you remember your first Crossfit workout? How was it?
My first workout was the benchmark “Cindy” during my on ramp class. I actually thought it was kind of easy because we did a scaled version, but the coach found ways to make it more difficult for me. I was hooked from day one!
What do you love about EVF?
Great community, exceptional coaches, and just a great place to hang out.
What is your favorite benchmark workout and movement?
Benchmark workouts make me really anxious and nervous, so truthfully speaking, none of them! I’d rather just do a regular, programmed workout. Box jumps and heavy snatches are my favorite movements however, and I love hero WODs because it allows me to take out my personal feelings about a particular workout and focus on that person’s sacrifice.
Do you have any advice for new members?
Just show up everyday and be coachable. It’s the only way to get better.
Any hidden talents?
I ran Division I track and field and was recruited as a high jumper, hence my penchant for box jumps and plyometrics!
A fun fact about yourself?
My wife and I won an $80,000 wedding through the Arena Stage in Washington, D.C. If you want the full story, catch me in person and I’ll tell you all about it!
Where can people find you online?
On Instagram, I’m @Queslivinlife, but be advised I’m not great at social media and almost never post. I’m working on it!
Catch Quinton on Thursdays and Saturdays at our Columbus Circle location!
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