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The Evils of Saturday

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Written by The Lurong Challenge Team:

Strictly by the Numbers

Did you know that there is a consistent pattern during the first 4 weeks of the Challenge? More than 10,000 of you have been tracking your diet so these stats are quite significant. The biggest challenge for all of us to stay Clean is….

Check out the Diet Stats page located under the Stats Tab. The graph shows a clear trend with Saturday being the most Cheated day of the week. When looking at why we have trouble on Saturday it is intuitive why Sunday is the next most challenging day of the week. Conversely, Monday has been consistently the cleanest day of the week.

2014 Challenge Diet Stats

Saturday is the Dirtiest
Weekends are tough
Monday is the Cleanest
Cheating increases as the week goes on and resets on Monday

People are just as determined to eat clean now as they were to start the Challenge
Mornings are the easiest time to stay clean.
Dinner and evening are the most difficult
People start of strong in the morning and fall off as the day moves on
So what is it about Saturday that is so difficult to stay clean and why is Monday the cleanest? Here are just a few possible reasons for these trends. After reading through the rest of this post make sure to share your thoughts, ideas, and tips for others.

Monday is a mental restart, a day of renewed determination. Or is it simply our guilty attempt to make up for a bad weekend?
Social activities of the weekends make it hard to say no. Maybe we give into temptation easier.
Maybe we are afraid to be rude.

Beer and nachos just go with football, and that will never change.
Weekends involve time with family and we are afraid to be a Paleo snob.
Weekend meals with family bring back all those old habits, lifestyles, and comfort foods from which we are trying to change.
We deserve to unwind, let the guard down, and enjoy some treats after a long week.
We get tired from the grind of our daily lives and lose determination, focus, or organization as the week progresses.
We run out of weekend prepped Paleo meals as the week progresses.
No social events on Monday nights.

This is by no means an exhaustive analysis. Nor is it a judgement if any of these reasons apply to you. Knowing what we do is the first step to understanding why we do it. From here, we can now choose a game plan that will help us make changes and see better results.

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