Friday 1/10/2014 WOD
Warm up
2 sets of
1 Min Each
Double Unders
Air Squats
Planks to push ups
Strict pull ups/ Ring Rows
10 Min Snatch ladder
6@ 115/80
Training (Met-con)
20 Min Time Cap
“Air Force”
20 Thrusters (95/65)
20 Sumo Dead lift High Pulls
20 Push Jerks
20 Over Head Squats
20 Front Squats
4 Burpees EMOTM
Starting at 0:00
Todays workout is dedicated to our little Sammy girl who is leaving for a few months to go to school abroad. We will miss you Sammy.
2014 01 09
“AIRFORCE” 11:48 @ 95# subbed OHS for back squats, Thrusters crushed me from the start!!!
8:58 RX. Awesome WOD, burpees were much harder than expected. James has the video to prove it.
By the end of this WOD 95lbs never felt so heavy