Friday 7/26/2013 WOD
Warm up
No time measure
3 rounds of
10 air squats
10 push ups
10 lunges (each leg)
10 strict pull ups or ring rows
10 burpees
Dynamic stretches
Skill practice
Double under/ Toes to Bar
“Go Ham”
in teams of two
2 rounds for time
30 shoulder to Over head (155/115)
60 Toes to Bar
150 double Unders
LV 1
in teams of two
2 rounds for time
30 Shoulder 2 over head (95/55)
160 ab -mat sit ups
300 jump rope singles
one partner works at a time. Share work load amongst team.
scale options
scale load on S2OH
Scale #of reps
scale T2B w K2E
scale doubles w singles
2013 07 25
Ugh jealous again! These blasted eyes!
18:37 LV2 (135 Shoulder to overhead)
Great WOD. Rest Day RX tomorrow!
Today looked like a good one, so mad i missed it.
60 reps @ 135 is no joke, Nice work Max!
Think im doing 8am tomorrow, anybody else going to be around?
It was a partner WOD so only did half of each prescribed. Still tough. Will probably be back on Sunday.
Nice job Max, looked like a good one today…I am back tomorrow for 800am.