Friday, Jan. 6 CrossFit Workout of the Day
Mobility: We hear a lot of questions about how to get a better front rack. There are 3 ways as explained in this article: 1) Improve flexion/extension, 2) Decrease tension in the shoulder/lats, 3) Improve on thoracic mobility.
Warm up
3 sets:
2 clean pulls
2 hang muscle cleans
2 front squats
2 tall cleans
2 hang cleans
Clean pull + hang clean
70% x 3 sets
75% x 2 sets
Clean pull + hang clean
5 sets, across
For time:
9 squat snatches (135/95)
30 toes to bar
6 squat snatches
20 toes to bar
3 squat snatches
10 toes to bar
For time:
9 hang power snatches
30 hanging knee raises
6 hang power snatches
20 hanging leg raises
3 hang power snatches
10 hanging leg raises
2017 01 05