Monday 12/16/2013 WOD
Warm up
3 rounds of
5 strict pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Air Squats
-15 Double Unders in between each movement –
Push Press
Based off your 3 Rep Max
Training (Met-Con)
“Pin Ball”
15 Min Acending and Decending ladder
Push presses (95/65) (135/95)
The goal is to get to ten as fast as you can, then come back down as fast as you can.
Score is how many times can you make it through the ladder in a 15 time cap.
Scale options:
Scale time
Scale weight on Push Presses
2013 12 15
175# on 3 rep max;
Got through 3 ladders – RX; was spent; great workout;
Nice work Damon
155# @ 80% of 3rm
Got through 3 ladders as well, fun workout!!!
155# on 3 rep Push Press
Got through the ladder twice RX (with some ugly burpee type things)
165# @ 85% OF 3RM
Got through ladder 4 times; RX.
4 Rds + 6 RX
New girl in front of me in 6 AM was flying. I’m pretty sure she lapped me.
starting to think i did 4 rounds, have trouble counting lately when i cant breath
165#@ 85% of 3RM
3 rounds of the ladder @RX