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Monday, Dec. 5 CrossFit Workout of the Day

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Testing week is upon us! We’ll be testing back squat, push jerk, clean, and snatch, as well as two benchmark workouts (TBA, but see that those legs are recovered by Friday…). Make sure you’re eating enough and sleeping enough, and take at least one rest day. If you’re taking class Monday, be sure to eat some carbs tonight for dinner to be properly fueled for squats. Good luck everyone!

— Coach Jenna

Mobility: Tackling a one rep max today? Be sure to warm up those ankles! Leaving those guys out can lead to calf tears, knee pain and sprains, plantar fasciitis, shin splints and IT band syndrome.

Warm up
6 minutes:
10 banded side steps
10 supermans
10 jump squats
10 good mornings

Back squat: 1 rep max

10 minute AMRAP:
10 toes to bar
20 DB snatches (10/arm, 40/30)
10 burpees

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