Monday, March 18 CrossFit Workout of the Day
Warm Up
2 rounds:
10 Cossack squats
10 staggered stance deadlifts each leg
10 banded squats
:20 handstand hold
Back squat
60%, 3×5
Front squat
65%, 2×5
During our next cycle, we will be back & front squatting on the same day! We’ll be working towards testing a 3 rep max back squat while maintaining our front squat strength.
5 rounds for time:
10 DB power cleans (50/35)
10 DB front squats (50/35)
10 ring dips
Looking for 12 minutes or less on this workout. Dumbbell weight should be moderate.
Scale ring dips with jumping dips, matador dips, assisted dips, box dips, or push ups.
2019 03 17