New cycle starting next week

Hey guys! New cycle time again! Due to the holidays, this will be a short 5-week cycle with four weeks of training and one week of testing. We’ll continue to build on the strength and skills we’ve developed during the last cycle, while ramping up our conditioning and gymnastics in preparation for the Open. We’ll be doing more technique work for our Olympic lifts, while also focusing on efficiency while under fatigue.
Back squats will continue on Mondays, this time working to a 2- rep max. We’ll be employing wave sets, reducing reps each week as weights get heavier. There will also be a drop set of 10 each week, preparing you for our (spoiler alert!) 10-rep max cycle coming up in January.
Tuesdays we’ll be push pressing, building on the strict strength we built last cycle. It will be a simple linear progression, working on increasing weight by 5 to 10 pounds each week. We will test a 1-rep max at the end of the cycle. On these days, you will superset the push press with a pulling exercise. Pendlay rows, Romanian deadlifts and more.
Get ready for Olympic lifts on Wednesday — snatch and clean. There will be lots of technique work, followed by a metcon utilizing the technique we just practiced.
Friday will be overhead squats paired with lots of skill work. Some of you may be tempted to skip this day, but that’s when you have to make every effort to come in. If your mobility doesn’t allow for overhead squatting, never fear. The coach will help you along with mobility drills, technique work, and scaling that is appropriate for you.
Finally, our conditioning focus this cycle will be on high rep wall balls as we work toward testing Karen (150 wall balls for time). If you’re proficient with a 20/14# wall ball, don’t be afraid to scale up in weight for these wall ball workouts. Once you drop down in weight for Karen, it will feel like a breeze!
Remember, it’s so easy during the holidays to slack off a bit and put your fitness on the back burner. Don’t let that happen! Maintain your fitness level (or get fitter) over the holidays and you won’t feel like you’re starting over again in January. Plus you can eat some extra pie, and who doesn’t want extra pie?
Have fun these next five weeks, and don’t hesitate to email me at with any questions. Happy Holidays!
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