Sat 8/3/2013 WOD
Warm up
W a Partner
Med ball pass 10 each
(stand 3-5FT away from each other)
Med ball Squat and toss 10 each
(stand 3-5ft from each other)
Med ball squat HOLD and toss 10 each
(stand 2-3 ft from each other)
Med ball Hip Toss 10 each
(stand 4-5 FT from each other)
Med ball Sit and toss 10 each
(fleet off floor, sit 1ft away from each other)
Med ball Russian twist and pass 5 each direction
(sit side by side)
Barbell Progressions
High hang cleans
4 EMOM for 6 mins
65% of 1RM
LV 1 use a light weight to practice form
Partner WOD
“Down the mountain”
in teams of two
conplete the following ladder for time
40 Hang power cleans (135/95)
500 meter ski
500 meter ski
40 Rack Lunges (135/95)
20 Hang Power cleans (135/95)
250 Meter ski
250 meter ski
20 Rack Lunges (135/95)
1 partner works at a time
divide the load equally amongst teams
Scale options LV 1 (beginner or scaled)
scale load on cleans or substitue with SDHP (75/55)
scale HSPU w pike push ups on box
scale # of reps
scale load on lunges
2013 08 02