Sat 9/14/2013 WOD
Warm up
1200 Meter Partner Med ball run
1 Partner runs the other rest
Then individually do
3 sets of
5 Strict Pull ups/ 10 ring rows
10 Jump Squats
15 Super Mans
20 Hollow rocks
Dynamic Stretches
3 Sets of
10 Turkish Get ups
Practice Kip and Knees to elbows in between sets
Training (Met-Con)
Partner WOD
In teams of two complete the following for time
100 Box Jumps (24/20)
Partner A jumps
Partner B Holds a plank
80 Push ups
Partner A does Push ups
Partner B Holds KB’s in each hand (heavy)
60 Med ball Alt 1 leg V-ups
Partner A does V ups
Partner B Holds themselves up in the rig
40 Cals on Ski erg
Partner A Ski’s
Partner B Holds a deep squat
20 Toes to Bar
Partner A does T2B (scale knees to elbows)
Partner B Does burpees
2013 09 13