Saturday 12/14/2013 WOD
Warm up
3 sets of
30 secs each
Inch worms
Squat stretch
Push ups
Jump squats
Training (Met-Con)
In teams of two
complete the following as many times as you can in the given time frame. Divide the work however you choose.
“Total Recall”
10 Min AMRAP
14 Thrusters (95/65)
14 Box Jump overs (24/20)
5 Min rest
10 min AMRAP
30 Kettle Bell swings (53/35)
30 Air Squats
30 Hand release push ups
5 min rest
10 Min AMRAP
14 Thruster (95/65)
14 Box Jump overs (24/20)
30 Kettle bell swings (53/35)
30 Air Squats
30 Hand Release push ups
Scale options:
Scale weight on thrusters
Step over box
Scale weight on KB’s
Scale reps
2013 12 13