Saturday 1/25/2014 CrossFit workout of the day
Warm up
3 rounds w a PVC pipe
10 Pass Throughs w Samson stretch
10 Over Head Squats
3 sets w an empty barbell
5 down and up shrugs
5 high pulls
5 power snatches
5 Thrusters
Dynamic stretches
Training (Met-Con)
8 rounds of each movement
20 secs AMRAP
10 secs rest
Power snatches (75/55)
Box jumps (24/20)
Thrusters (75/55)
Chest to bar Pull-ups
Score is your lowest rounds combined
Perform 8 rounds of 1 movement before moving onto the next one.
Scale options
Scale the weight on the power snatches and Thrusters
Scale height of box/ Step up
Scale C2B with chin over bar or use a band that will help you get your chest to the bar.
2014 01 24
26 RX
The thrusters were the worst 4 minutes in recent memory.
23.. I never want to leave my couch again.
Another awesome class at my box away from box!
25 RX….Used C2B for some active recovery
Great energy at the 10am!
I have never felt so deserving of a rest day until today. Insane WOD, thanks Coach!