Saturday 2/22/2014 CrossFit Workout of the day
Warm up
3 sets of (no time measure)
10 Push presses (empty bar)
10 Air Squats
10 PassThru’s (PVC)
20 Double Unders
Training (Met-Con)
In teams of two
“EMOTM Bonanza”
12 Min EMOM
ODD 15 Push presses (95/65)
Even 12/14 Cal Row
3 Min Rest
12 Min EMOM
ODD 20 Wall Balls (20/14)
Even 35 Double Unders
Partner A is on ODD
Partner B is on EVEN
Score is how many rounds you were able to complete as a team
Scale options:
scale weight on PP
Scale # of reps
Scale cals on row
Scale weight on WB
Scale # of reps on WB
Scale double Unders with 70 Singles
2014 02 21