Saturday 2/8/2014 CrossFit Workout of the day
Warm up
Med ball Clean progression
3 sets
5 dead lifts
5 Dead lifts to high shrug
5 Front Squats w the med ball
5 drop in squats (ball stays at hip, hands spin around the ball)
5 Med ball Cleans
Dynamic Stretches
Training (Met-Con)
In teams of 2
3 rounds
50 Thrusters (75/55) (95/65)
50 pull ups
50 Med ball Cleans (20/14)
50 ring dips
1 partner works at a time. You can divide the work however you choose to strategize.
Scale options:
Scale weight on Thrusters
Use bands on Pull ups
Scale weight on Med ball clean
Use a band or box on the ring dips
2014 02 07