Saturday, Sept. 29 CrossFit Workout of the Day
Warm Up
8 minutes, with a partner:
20 calorie row (10 each)
10 hang muscle cleans (5 each)
10 PVC overhead squats (5 each)
20 squats (10 each)
10 strict pull ups (5 each)
Partner WOD
4 minute AMRAP (get as far as possible in 4 minutes):
500m row
8 hang power cleans (135/95)
16 OHS (135/95)
24 DB snatches (50/35)
32 wall balls (20/14)
12 ring muscle ups or 48 pull ups
Rest 2 minutes
Then, 6 minute AMRAP of above (start back on the row)
Rest 2 minutes
Then, 8 minute AMRAP of above (start back on the row)
Rest 2 minutes
Then, complete for time (14 minute cap)
2018 09 28