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Sunday 8/11/2013 WOD “GORY GRACE”

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Last day of hell week. It has been quite the week of some awesome performances. Way to dig deep and push yourselves to that next level. We are not done yet, so premature celebrations will be dealt with in a deathly harsh manner. Think mile runs 🙂

Last Hell week it is only fitting we go for total death. We bring to you “GORY GRACE DEATH BY CLEAN AND JERK”

The pits of hell await you! BOOM!


warm up

Lax ball on scapula 2 mins each side

shoulder mobility with bands

2 sets of

10 Box Jumps (20inches or lower)

5 Inch Worms

20 Lunges

Dynamic stretches




5 sets of

2 Cleans and 1 Jerk

(Stay light work on speed, technique and effiency)






min 1 -1 Clean and Jerk (135/95)

Min 2 -2 Clean and Jerks (135/95)

Min 3-3 Clean and Jerks (135/95)


Keep going up until you cannot do anymore in the given amount of time or until you DIE


Once you die, your penalties await you. Immediately perform your penalty listed below.

Penalties for death

1-5  1 Mile run  (twice around the block and once to first ave and back)

6-10 1200 meter run  (twice around the block)

11-15 800 meter run  (1st ave and back twice)

16-20 400 meter run  (1st ave and back)



-Scale options/ LV 1

Scale load on CJ

Level 1 (beginner 1-3 mos of experience)

Substitute CJ with Thrusters (95/65)

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