Thursday 10/22/2013 WOD
Warm up
400 meter run
3 sets of
10 Air Squats
10 push ups
10 V ups
10 Supermans
Dynamic Stretches
10 Mins
Double under practice
Level 1 (Fitness)
Level 2 ( Performance)
If you break before you hit the target you must begin again. You cannot move on to the next target until you successfully complete the set.
Set 1: 10 Unbroken
Set 2: 15 Unbroken
Set 3: 20 Unbroken
Set 4: 30 unbroken
Set 5: AMRAP
If you reach all sets successfully begin again.
Training (Met-Con)
18 Wall Balls (20/14) 10ft / 9ft targets
12 Ring dips
3 min rest
6 min AMRAP
12 Dead lifts (225/155)
12 Burpees
3 Min rest
6min AMRAP
200 meter Sprint
30 Air Squats
Total # of rounds and reps throughout the 3 WODS
Scale options
– Scale the weight on the Wall Ball that will allow the athlete to reach the target heights.
– Ring dips may use a band. Same band as last week. Next ring dip WOD must decrease band size.
– Scale weight on Dead lifts
2013 10 23
9 rounds 9 reps scaled DL @ 155. when do we stop running?? too cold!!!!
7 rounds, 18 reps RX.
Oh you guys actually added them all up??
7 + 38 + running? RX
7+38+stairs, scaled DL: 85, banded ring dips. I’m with Brett, it was a cold morning. Made double under misses sting that much more.
Great job everyone! It was def a spicey one. Lets see to answer everyone’s question on when do we stop running. We don’t. Life does not stop because the weather changes. We run, row, lift weights do gymnastics, ALL YEAR LONG!
Be prepared for the unknown. As they same in the Game of Thrones. Winter is coming! BOOM!
There is no bad weather, just bad clothing