Thursday 10/3/2013 WOD
Warm up
3 sets of
5 Wall Balls
10 Super mans
15 Hollow Rocks
20 Leaping Lunges
Dynamic Stretches
TABATA 4x each
Mountain climbers
Ring Rows
Training (Met-con)
“Rowing dirty”
Complete the following for time
400 meter row
40 Hand Release Push ups
20 KB Swings
600 Meter row
30 HR Push ups
20 KB swings
800 Meter row
20 HR push ups
20 KB swings
1000 meter row
10 HR push ups
20 KB swings
KB weight options (53/35)
Scale to Russian Kettle Bell Swings for Level 1 (Fitness)
2013 10 02
21:22 (36lb Kettle)
finished at same time as Max with same KB 21:22 36 ll kb
24:19 Rx Great class COACH BLAIR