Thursday, April 21 CrossFit Workout of the Day
Mobility: Strict pull-ups are awesome and a great starting point for kipping and butterfly pull-ups, but if you are finding it difficult to get your first, it may not just be a strength issue. Check out this article from CF Thames which goes through the why and the how to mobilize your shoulders before attacking pull-ups.
Warm up
2 rounds:
250m row
10 push ups
15 sit ups
20 seconds box shoulder stretch
Push press: 3×5, across
Strict/weighted pull ups: 3 x max effort, less than or equal to 10
Every 3 minutes for 12 minutes:
12 KBS (70/53)
9 lateral burpees over bar
6 thrusters (135/95)
Every 3 minutes for 12 minutes:
12 Russian KBS
9 burpees
6 KB thrusters
2016 04 20