Thursday, Oct. 1 CrossFit Workout of the Day
At-home mobility: Thoracic Spine (equipment: peanut, partner)
Read about the importance of mobilizing your thoracic spine here.
Warm up
3 rounds not for time:
10 single leg contra-lateral KB deadlift (5 per leg)
10 ring rows
15 hollow rocks
Fitness and Performance
Deadlift – 15 minutes to work to a heavy 5 reps (no touch and go)
5-minute AMRAP:
10 hang power snatches (95/65)
10 box jumps (24/20)
Rest 3 minutes
5-minute AMRAP:
10 C2B pull ups
10 KB swings (70/53)
5-minute AMRAP:
10 hang power snatches
10 step-ups
Rest 3 minutes
5-minute AMRAP:
10 pull-ups or jumping pull-ups
10 Russian KB swings
2015 09 30