Tonie Warner
Director of Operations
- My workout playlist includes any hip hop that’s bass heavy, or has a catchy drumline. I need a good tempo to keep me moving.
- My favorite movement to teach my favorite movement to DO (haha) is the clean. Though I’m no where near mastering it, I enjoy the challenge of learning it. It’s a very technical movement and every time I attempt it, I learn something new about the clean, and about myself.
- My pre-workout snack of choice whatevs (um… I don’t really have one – adrenaline?).
- The hardest workout I’ve ever done: I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a chipper: 80, 60, 40, 20, 10 burpees to plate, kettle bell swings and weighted situps. The burpees really did me in.
- My mantra when I’m struggling through a workout: dig deep and pull through.
- Best/worst thing about my hometown: I’m from Goodwill, Dominica in the southern Caribbean. The best part of home is the rich culture. It’s in everything: our food, our music, our holidays and sports, and our politics. We are very community oriented; the whole village raises the child. It also helps that every day is a day in a Caribbean paradise. 🙂 I can’t think of a ‘worst’ thing really.
- My special talent is I may or may not have some musical talents … I was classically trained in piano for 13 years. I played the flute for Dominica’s Government band and I can play the accordion. Yes, the accordion – it’s a key instrument in one of our traditional music genres.
2016 08 25